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'Our task must be to free ourselves ... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.  Albert Einstein.'


Animals provide learning opportunities that speak directly to children.  


Natural interactions between children and animals (both domestic and wild) are valuable sources of discovery. KinderMarlee ocasionally has visits from family pets. As long as the pets are well socialised and under the control of their owner, they may be taken out to see the centre areas and the children.


We also have visits from guinea pigs, Rosie and Maisey (although we suspect they may actually be Roger and Malcolm). The centre's children are responsible for monitoring their wellbeing needs when they are with us. Children are able to nurse the pigs with support from a key person. One of our kindy teachers regularly brings in her small parrot, Peaches. Peaches is always a welcome and delighful guest.


Other opportunities come from visting birds, bugs and mini-beasts. Occasionally a special visitor, such as a reptile handler or wildlife keeper, might also be invited to share experiences with the children.


The Lab has a Curiosity Cabinet, a display of preserved animals, bones, artefacts and other interesting objects. Children have a natural curiosity about all elements of the life cycle.

NOTE. KinderMarlee encourages children to observe and appreciate animals in their natural state and not to chase, catch or keep them in jars for entertainment.

Please contact our Approved Provider, or Centre Director, if you have any questions or concerns regarding animal inclusion.


  • Reading non-verbal cues

  • Compassion / Gentleness

  • Care and Nurture

  • Responsiveness

  • Responsibility

  • Observation Skills

  • Interpretation & Prediction


  • Language

  • Sense of Indentity / Self

  • Theory of Mind

  • Social Causality

  • Cause & Effect

  • Similarities & DIfferences

  • Classifications

  • Communication

  • and much more

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